When you send something in the mail, you want to make sure it gets to where it needs to go. (Shows a letter carrier placing mail inside mailboxes.) When addressing items you'll want to remember these steps the next time you ship. Let's start with the recipient's address. (Shows a Priority Mail envelope.) This is the central most important step, which should help you remember: The recipient's address goes in the center. When writing an address include the recipient's complete name. For example: Mister John Johnson. (Shows the name being written next to the To: marking in the center of the address area of a Priority Mail envelope.) This goes on the first line. On the second line, indicate the post office box or street address, something like: 123 North Somewhere Street. (Shows 123 North Somewhere Street written under the name.) Additional information, like an apartment, suite, or room number can be added on the same line. (Shows how Apt 2, Suite 2, or Room 2 could be written after the street name.) Directional words like north, east, south, west are required, and abbreviations are acceptable. (Shows west in 123 West Somewhere St. as both abbreviation W. and written out as West.) You can also use the shortened form for street, road, drive, avenue, and so on. (Shows the abbreviations St., Rd., Dr., Ave.) But writing the words is encouraged. On the following line, be sure to add the city, state, and ZIP plus four code. (Shows the example Anywhere, PA 19121-5420 written under the street address.) If you don't know the ZIP plus four code, use the usps.com Look Up a ZIP Code(TM) tool to easily locate the proper ZIP plus four code. (Shows the ZIP Code Lookup tool being used to find the ZIP code for an example address.) That's it. The recipient's address is complete. (Shows a complete delivery address written on the center front of a Priority Mail envelope.) But we're not done. It is a requirement to include the sender's address or return address. Before there can be a recipient, there has to be a sender. So remember: Before. The return address goes before--that is, above and to the left of--the recipient's address. (Shows a sender address being written next to the From: marking, above and to the left of the delivery address in address area of a Priority Mail envelope.) This addressing format applies to any item you mail. (Shows an example return and mailing address written on a large manila envelope.) Use the same addressing format for the return address. (Shows a Priority Mail envelope, fully addressed with return and delivery addresses.) It's important to note: Write everything legibly. The Postal Service uses highly sophisticated scanners that can decipher most handwriting styles and printed font types. (Shows mailpieces going through automated processing machines.) Nonetheless, it's important to write neatly. Also, try to avoid red pen or ink that smears. (Shows red-inked and smeared handwritten addresses, with the "no" symbol over them.) If you can, print your labels. (Shows examples of computer-printed address labels.) Now that you've addressed your package, all you need now is postage. But that's for another video. Check out "How to Ship: Selecting the Right Service" in our Shipping Tips series. And be sure to visit usps.com for more information. Thanks for watching! " class="hidden">长沙兼职网